Food is the number one stress reliever for most of us.

How sweet would it be if we are able to eat anything we want without worrying about our blood sugar?

Being in control of your blood sugar without depriving yourself from food is a struggle for some, but that shouldn’t be a problem with BitterGo.

BitterGo is a dietary food supplement that is a combination of Ampalaya powder, Luyang Dilaw Powder, and Bawang Powder.

The combination of these helps manage your insulin levels and assist in lowering your blood sugar levels.

Living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be a punishment, satisfy your sweet tooth in moderation with the help of BitterGo.

BitterGo is available at Mercury Drug and leading drugstores nationwide for P 7.50 per piece. For inquiries, you may contact ATC Healthcare at these numbers: 516-8888, 0909-3333333 or 0917-5623333.

Bitter Go Make a Sweet Life

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Food is the number one stress reliever for most of us.

How sweet would it be if we are able to eat anything we want without worrying about our blood sugar?

Being in control of your blood sugar without depriving yourself from food is a struggle for some, but that shouldn’t be a problem with BitterGo.

BitterGo is a dietary food supplement that is a combination of Ampalaya powder, Luyang Dilaw Powder, and Bawang Powder.

The combination of these helps manage your insulin levels and assist in lowering your blood sugar levels.

Living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be a punishment, satisfy your sweet tooth in moderation with the help of BitterGo.

BitterGo is available at Mercury Drug and leading drugstores nationwide for P 7.50 per piece. For inquiries, you may contact ATC Healthcare at these numbers: 516-8888, 0909-3333333 or 0917-5623333.
For many women, menopause is a difficult time in their lives. A natural biological process that signals the decline of reproductive hormones and the end of fertility, the onset of its symptoms might be disruptive that they can trigger anxiety attacks and feelings of sadness or loss.

Symptoms include irregular periods, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats, sleeplessness, mood swings, weight gain and slowed metabolism, thinning hair and dry skin, lower energy, and loss of body fullness.

These signs can manifest in some women as early as in their 40s and may last for a couple of years. There are a number of therapies that help mitigate the symptoms of menopause. Hormonal therapy replaces naturally produced hormones that are depleted during this stage in life. It prevents the onset of a number of ailments that set in including osteoporosis and heart problems.

Some lifestyle changes also help alleviate symptoms such as low energy, sleeplessness, stress, weight gain and diabetes. The use of supplements addresses issues concerning skin, hair and bones. Mature women around the world are discovering the benefits offered by collagen drinks.

One such product is Premium HyC150, which has been described as a modern-day fountain of youth. Manufactured by Fine Japan Co. Ltd., it is a woman’s secret weapon to staying healthy, vibrant and radiant even during menopause. It helps women stay beautiful inside and out, while providing strength and vitality to meet the challenges of their daily lives.

By making them feel good about themselves, they can face head on whatever difficult symptoms menopause might bring them. Premium HyC150 comes in ready-to-mix sachets that could easily fit in one’s handbag or purse.

With regular use, women can prevent the signs of aging from manifesting. Within just a few days, they can see results in the form of the disappearance of wrinkles, fairer and brighter skin, improved vision, and better muscle and bone strength. Premium HyC150 combines three youth-inducing elements for a more potent supplement drink: collagen, hyaluronic acid, and ubiquinol.

These elements are also aided by other active ingredients like vitamin C, biotin, elastin and pearl coix. Collagen is one of the most abundant groups of proteins in the human body and is the major component of connective tissue. It provides structural support throughout the body where it is found in the skin, muscle, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and bones.

It is important to remember that 70 percent of the skin is composed of collagen. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is nature’s moisturizer, a gel-like water-holding molecule that acts as space filler and cushioning agent in the body.

Approximately 50 percent of HA in our body resides in skin tissues, since it nourishes and hydrates the skin to make it look young. Aside from making the skin look younger, HA lubricates the joints and eye tissues helping prevent dry eyes. It helps regenerate healthy gums.

It also supports, nourishes, and hydrates the deep layers of the scalp for healthy, lustrous hair. It promotes better nutrient absorption and helps regulate protein to promote wound healing. Ubiquinol is a substance naturally produced by the body to protect it from environmental toxins that enter it, damage its cells, and injure its systems.

It also slows down any weakening of vessel walls, nerve tissue, and organ linings brought about by physical harm, pollution, poor diet, and the normal wear and tear that comes with age. Premium HyC150 is the only beverage that combines these three powerful nutrients, effectively releasing significant benefits to the body.

Based on clinical studies done in Japan, North America, and Europe, about 93 percent of users reported improved hair, nails, and skin with continued use. Although results vary per individual, it only takes one to two weeks to see the positive changes.

 Premium HyC150 is available at selected Watsons stores nationwide, as well on Lazada Philippines at

 For more information, visit its website at; like its Facebook page; follow on Twitter @HyC150 or Instagram @HyC150; or call (02) 5467297, 09177750779.

Help Fight Symptoms of Menopause with HyC150

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

For many women, menopause is a difficult time in their lives. A natural biological process that signals the decline of reproductive hormones and the end of fertility, the onset of its symptoms might be disruptive that they can trigger anxiety attacks and feelings of sadness or loss.

Symptoms include irregular periods, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats, sleeplessness, mood swings, weight gain and slowed metabolism, thinning hair and dry skin, lower energy, and loss of body fullness.

These signs can manifest in some women as early as in their 40s and may last for a couple of years. There are a number of therapies that help mitigate the symptoms of menopause. Hormonal therapy replaces naturally produced hormones that are depleted during this stage in life. It prevents the onset of a number of ailments that set in including osteoporosis and heart problems.

Some lifestyle changes also help alleviate symptoms such as low energy, sleeplessness, stress, weight gain and diabetes. The use of supplements addresses issues concerning skin, hair and bones. Mature women around the world are discovering the benefits offered by collagen drinks.

One such product is Premium HyC150, which has been described as a modern-day fountain of youth. Manufactured by Fine Japan Co. Ltd., it is a woman’s secret weapon to staying healthy, vibrant and radiant even during menopause. It helps women stay beautiful inside and out, while providing strength and vitality to meet the challenges of their daily lives.

By making them feel good about themselves, they can face head on whatever difficult symptoms menopause might bring them. Premium HyC150 comes in ready-to-mix sachets that could easily fit in one’s handbag or purse.

With regular use, women can prevent the signs of aging from manifesting. Within just a few days, they can see results in the form of the disappearance of wrinkles, fairer and brighter skin, improved vision, and better muscle and bone strength. Premium HyC150 combines three youth-inducing elements for a more potent supplement drink: collagen, hyaluronic acid, and ubiquinol.

These elements are also aided by other active ingredients like vitamin C, biotin, elastin and pearl coix. Collagen is one of the most abundant groups of proteins in the human body and is the major component of connective tissue. It provides structural support throughout the body where it is found in the skin, muscle, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and bones.

It is important to remember that 70 percent of the skin is composed of collagen. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is nature’s moisturizer, a gel-like water-holding molecule that acts as space filler and cushioning agent in the body.

Approximately 50 percent of HA in our body resides in skin tissues, since it nourishes and hydrates the skin to make it look young. Aside from making the skin look younger, HA lubricates the joints and eye tissues helping prevent dry eyes. It helps regenerate healthy gums.

It also supports, nourishes, and hydrates the deep layers of the scalp for healthy, lustrous hair. It promotes better nutrient absorption and helps regulate protein to promote wound healing. Ubiquinol is a substance naturally produced by the body to protect it from environmental toxins that enter it, damage its cells, and injure its systems.

It also slows down any weakening of vessel walls, nerve tissue, and organ linings brought about by physical harm, pollution, poor diet, and the normal wear and tear that comes with age. Premium HyC150 is the only beverage that combines these three powerful nutrients, effectively releasing significant benefits to the body.

Based on clinical studies done in Japan, North America, and Europe, about 93 percent of users reported improved hair, nails, and skin with continued use. Although results vary per individual, it only takes one to two weeks to see the positive changes.

 Premium HyC150 is available at selected Watsons stores nationwide, as well on Lazada Philippines at

 For more information, visit its website at; like its Facebook page; follow on Twitter @HyC150 or Instagram @HyC150; or call (02) 5467297, 09177750779.
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